Friday, 30 March 2007

First post!

This week I heard from someone looking for a home for her iguana. She's in the US so if you have any contacts there, please post a comment. In the UK, a little dog is recovering from a spinal injury and getting used to wheels. Seems his feet are beginning to move a little too and, being a happy little soul with a very supportive family, he's taking it all in his - er - stride?


DACblog said...

And here's a trial run for the comments part. No good havign a front end if the back end doesn't work!

Anonymous said...

Hi there:

I would like to say that all our pets and animals need care and attention the same as our children. Your children are in danger of things that could harm them like poison, electric tools, electric equipment so therefore are our pets in the same boat. They are curious about such things the same as children. Therefore with pets as with children we should keep things that will harm them out of thier reach. Like children like pets. They are both in our care to protect them and have them live long and healthy lives.